Why Outsource Your Medical Record Retrieval Needs to Trusted Professionals?

Medical records are very valuable data that can translate to numerous information for certain industries like insurance and legal companies. The task of retrieving this information deems easy and simple. However, due to the huge amount of data involving patients in a medical institution, as well as privacy issues, there are a lot of downsides to just letting anyone do the job. Therefore, outsourcing your medical record retrieval needs to trusted professionals is essential.

A patient can have several medical records from one facility. Some of the records include medical history, discharge summary, laboratory results, diagnostic results, progress notes, etc. One single patient could have thousands of records depending on their admission encounters to the hospital or other facilities. 

Ways to Retrieve Medical Records

Retrieving the above-mentioned records can be done in two ways: through in-house efforts or by outsourcing a professional records retrieval company.

In-house Service

Some institutions are equipped with the facilities and manpower to handle the full record-keeping and consequent retrieval processes. This requires a completely secure and efficient system for handling the patients’ records in the facility.

Outsourced Service

Another, and somehow better, option is to acquire the service of a professional medical retrieving company. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) - compliant firms that do medical record retrieval can help your organization save a lot of time, effort, and staffing in getting necessary health information about your clients, while avoiding medical breaches and other possible legal issues.

Why Outsource Medical Record Retrieval to Shield Data Network, LLC? 

Shield Data Network, LLC  is a HIPAA-compliant medical record retrieval company that offers high-level efficiency and customer service to clients including law firms, insurance companies, underwriters, and government agencies. If you need to acquire the medical records of your customers, here are ways we can help you. 

We work accurately and efficiently. 

We offer you the medical records that you need in digital form and are ready for any application. You can easily search for the records, access the details, and retrieve them right away when you need them.

We will help you save time, effort, and money.

Our team of professionals are knowledgeable and have been handling this procedure for years now, making it more adept at getting the job done faster. This gives your own team more time to focus on taking care of your customer and growing your business.

We safeguard records and adhere to confidentiality. 

All the health records under our safekeeping are kept according to the HIPAA regulations. This ensures that you are acting as per the legal requirements and will not have any problem with the sensitive information you are dealing with. 

To learn more about our services and how we are the ultimate solution to your medical record retrieval requirements, give us a call now at or email us at info@shielddatanetwork.com ! We are always ready to assist you.